Schools & Educational

Schools & Educational

Unfortunately, in today’s society there are people out there that are looking to damage, vandalise and destroy school property. This is why security in schools is so important to keep the pupils, staff and property safe. There are many dangers and safety threats children can come across every day. The highest threat is criminals breaking down or jumping fences to damage school property and even to harm students. Creating a safe place for children should be a high priority for schools. We are dedicated to helping and revamping school security systems so that all risk factors are ruled out.
Maintaining a high standard of security requires planning and regular security checks. Parents expect that schools will have a security operation in place so that it keeps their children safe. This is why we believe when it comes to school security it should be kept in check and up to date.

School Security Solutions

There are numerous ways of implementing security in schools which will impact instantaneously. We provide a range of school security solutions and services that deliver professional security in schools. The services that we provide include:

CCTV Installation – This is a popular method for keeping a watchful eye on the school premises. Once installed they work around the clock to observe the surrounding area.

24 Hour monitoring – We provide high quality cameras that run clear and flawless video which provides the best chance of catching criminals.

Alarm Response – Our expert security team will respond to all alerts that may be set off by the alarms installed.

Access control services – Allowing anyone to access any area of the school without the need for permission will lead to criminals having unauthorised access. People could potentially get into the school without being detected by staff. Systems such as card readers or password combinations are one of the best methods of discontinuing full access throughout the school.

Caretaker Service – Many schools have a caretaker due to opening and closing the school premises. Making sure a school is locked at night is highly significant to keeping the content of the school safe.

Lone worker protection – Having a physical guard walking around and protecting the school will help prevent anybody attempting to get into the school.

Our Specialty

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.